Despite the persecutions on Iranian Christians, Iran is currently known to have the fastest growing church in the world and Kings Persian, through its international ministries, is reaching out to Iranians from many countries including the underground Churches in Iran (house churches), Indonesia, Turkey, Germany, Sweden, Austria and England. Also, an international conference called Revival, is held every year around Europe and beyond to help revive local churches and their leaders in order to grow in global networking and relationships. During the latest conference, there has been more than 80 miraculous cases of physical healing and many testimonies of emotional healing and restoration of relationships. Kings Persian is currently teaching and mentoring many leaders from other churches around the world. There are weekly online meetings and courses for People from all around the globe to grow in their faith and to be transformed by renewing of minds.
Our Leaders
Pastors Faraz & Delara Dolatkhah are our lead pastors in Kings International Ministries whom have been serving Iranians and Farsi speaking communities for more than 20 years and for the past 6 years have been leading the Persian Campus in Kings. The heart of this campus is to serve locally, as well as serving all Farsi speakers around the world through the Kings international ministries. Despite the persecutions on Iranian Christians, Iran is currently known to have the fastest growing church in the world and Kings Persian, through its international ministries, is reaching out to Iranians from many countries including the underground Churches in Iran (house churches), Indonesia, Turkey, Germany, Sweden, Austria and England.
Our Vision

Despite the persecutions on Iranian Christians, Iran is currently known to have the fastest growing church in the world and Kings Persian, through its international ministries, is reaching out to Iranians from many countries including the underground Churches in Iran (house churches).
Revival Conference
The purpose of this conference is to equip, encourage, strengthen and bring spiritual revival into people’s hearts and lives. Hoping that more Iranians would rise to do the work of ministry with passion and delight, both as individuals and members of different churches.
How to join us
If you are connecting for the first time, your personal information will be added to ChurchSuite, our Church Management System, and we will send you a login to manage your own information, rotas and involvement at Kings. Your privacy is important to us and we will never share your details outside of the church.